
Amplify Your Marketing Message with Christine Campbell Rapin

Boost Your Sales Results with Servant Sales Leadership | Amplify Your Marketing Message

with Christine Campbell Rapin

Listen to this episode to discover:

-What is servant leadership, and how does it apply specifically to sales leadership?

-Characteristics of a great servant leader and tips on cultivating this leadership skill.

-How can a sales organization create a culture that supports and reinforces servant leadership principles in only 10 minutes a day? 

This week's guest: Doug Drovak 

Doug Dvorak is the CEO of The Sales Coaching Institute, a worldwide organization that assists clients with sales productivity training and motivational sales excellence management workshops. Under Doug’s leadership, the Institute serves everyone from small to medium-sized businesses and service companies all the way up to Fortune 1000 corporations. Doug is a certified management consultant, sales trainer, and executive coach who holds a BA in Business Administration, an MBA in Marketing Management, and a Doctor of Laws, H.C.


CLEAR Acceleration Inc. - Create Your Client Growth Engine

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