
Amplify Your Marketing Message with Christine Campbell Rapin

Community Building with Purpose | Amplify Your Marketing Message

with Christine Campbell Rapin

Listen to this episode to discover:

-Why you do what you and how to connect with other people and make more sales.

-The power of purpose and intention.

-Finding the right rooms and what to look for to boost the impact of community giving.

Today's Guest: Russ Hedge Russ Hedge is an International Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Marketing Coach, Business Consultant, Livestreamer/Podcaster, and Livestream Producer.” He is a master connector, working in marketing and sales for over 30 years. He has been recognized as a Top Salesperson in multiple industries and for his skills in Networking and Connecting! ⁠https://www.russhedge.com⁠ 

CLEAR Acceleration Inc. - Create Your Client Growth Engine

⁠Visit Christine Campbell Rapin at ⁠⁠⁠h⁠ttps://www.christinecampbellrapin.com⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for resources to ignite your client growth engine. While there be sure to request your free 10 minute training resource on how to master your marketing message to create more impact and income in your business. You can grab this free resource⁠⁠⁠ on the podcast page of our website. 

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