
Amplify Your Marketing Message with Christine Campbell Rapin

Create Better Client Results Through Awesome Client Experiences | Amplify Your Marketing Message

with Christine Campbell Rapin

Create Better Client Results Through Awesome Client Experiences | Amplify Your Marketing Message

Listen to this episode to discover:

-Create your own unique fingerprint in the marketplace with a well crafted customer experience.

-Moments matter in a competitive landscape - the 3 keys to create WOW customer experiences.

-Build a system to celebrate and reward awesomeness.

Today's Guest: Jason Friedman

Jason Friedman is a former theater enthusiast who's now a serial entrepreneur and coach, dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and small business owners grow and scale their businesses. He's been recognized as Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year, and propelled multiple companies to the top of the Inc. 5000 list. With a flair for the dramatics and a master of storytelling, Jason has founded and exited five successful companies. Now, as CEO of CXFormula, he's teaching businesses how to captivate their audiences using his proprietary Kinetic Customer Formula™. He's also at the helm of Spotlight Brand Services, guiding e-commerce brands to success on Amazon and beyond. ⁠https://www.cxformula.com/⁠

CLEAR Acceleration Inc. - Create Your Client Growth Engine with Christine Campbell Rapin

⁠Visit h⁠ttps://www.christinecampbellrapin.com for resources to ignite your client growth engine. While there be sure to request your free 10 minute training resource on how to master your marketing message to create more impact and income in your business. You can grab this free resource⁠⁠⁠ on the podcast page of our website. 

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