
TSI Today with Chad Tomaschefski

Safety Reimagined | TSI Today

with Chad Tomaschefski

Join Chad Tomaschefski, Chief Growth Officer at Tridon Communications, in a riveting conversation with Alec (AJ), an Enterprise Solution Specialist at Motorola, as they delve into the transformative world of safety reimagined. In this episode of TSI Today, they discuss Motorola's evolution beyond cell phones, focusing on their critical communication technologies. AJ sheds light on his role in navigating Motorola's expansive portfolio to tailor solutions for diverse business needs. Don't miss this enlightening episode, where industry leaders like AJ reveal the exciting advancements and possibilities in safety technology. Subscribe now for more insightful discussions on how technology is reshaping the business landscape.

About our Guest: Alec is the Enterprise Solutions Specialist at Motorola Solutions. Alec completed his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering at University of Illinois. 
You can connect with Alec (AJ) on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alec-uy-0841a93b

About Chad and TSI Today: Chad is the Chief Growth Officer at Tridon Communications. He brings his unique global insights into complex international business models, and expertise at refining customized programs for the ever-evolving technology driven world to the show.
You can connect with Chad on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/chad-tomaschefski-b61075a/

TSI Today highlights the changes and challenges businesses face when implementing ever-evolving technologies, as experienced by fellow local entrepreneurs and business leaders. The goal of the show; lifting up the industry and companies in the industry by bringing awareness to the technology and best practices.
Sponsored by Tridon Communications https://www.tridon.com/contact-us/

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Filmed and edited by ENTA Solutions

The views and opinions expressed in the video are those of the host and guests and do not inherently or expressly reflect the views or position of MegaPixxMedia Ltd and their Affiliates.